by adminTorusBrand | Oct 14, 2014 | Company News, Media Coverage
HempMeds was featured in an article by Fortune about their new “Defined” anti-aging salve. “Kannaway makes a whole line of “cannabis beauty” products, called Defined, that claim all sorts of anti-aging properties and actually feature...
by adminTorusBrand | Oct 14, 2014 | Company News, Kannalife Sciences, Media Coverage
Kannalife Sciences was mentioned in an article by Yahoo News about their new line of cannabis products that are targeted towards treating pets with brain injuries. “KannaLife Sciences, based in West Hills, New York, is hoping to tackle traumatic brain injuries...
by adminTorusBrand | Oct 14, 2014 | Company News, Media Coverage
As recreational use of marijuana ramps up, entrepreneurs are trying their hand at cashing in on the green rush. At the East Coast Cannabis Business Expo in midtown Manhattan, creative start-ups are finding new applications for cannabidiol-or CBD, for short-the...
by adminTorusBrand | Oct 13, 2014 | Company News, Media Coverage