by adminTorusBrand | Dec 15, 2014 | Company News, Media Coverage
Medical Marijuana Inc. was mentioned in an article by Mashable written by Andy Fixmer about the companies goal to raise $7 Million dollars, it’s plans for growth, and how to handle the general publics demand for medical marijuana. “The company’s MediFarm...
by adminTorusBrand | Dec 15, 2014 | Company News, Media Coverage
Medical Marijuana Inc. was mentioned in an article by Reality Sandwich written by Faye Sakellaridis about how some companies are growing on the Wall Street since Marijuana has gone public. “Terra Tech Corp., based in Irvine, California, won approval last week...
by adminTorusBrand | Dec 14, 2014 | Company News, Media Coverage
Medical Marijuana Inc. was mentioned in an article by Micro Cap Daily about their stock market growth, current trading points, and how MJNA is the darling child of medical marijuana stocks. “Currently trading at just over proven support levels of $0.10 on light...
by adminTorusBrand | Dec 5, 2014 | Axim Biotechnologies, Canchew, Company News, Media Coverage
Axim Biotechnologies was mentioned in an article by US Market Buzz about their new non-psychotropic cannabinoid gum “CanChew”. “Axim is taking on challenges from a biological standpoint, too. Since cannabinoids are destroyed in the hepatic system...
by adminTorusBrand | Dec 5, 2014 | Company News, Media Coverage
Axim Biotechnologies was mentioned in an article by In Pharma Technologist written by Dan Stanton about their plans to build a manufacturing facility in the Netherlands. “A company developing a pharmaceutical chewing gum containing cannabinoids extracted from...
by adminTorusBrand | Dec 4, 2014 | Axim Biotechnologies, Company News, Media Coverage
Axim Biotechnologies was mentioned in an article by Toke of the Town written by William Breathes about the new technologies of manufacturing a CBD gum. “Axim Biotechnologies, which already makes a product called CanChew that contains CBD, say they will...