During this time of reflection and thanks, Medical Marijuana, Inc. would like to take a moment to recall all the things we have to be thankful for this year. This has been a year of growth and opportunity for us, and we couldn’t have done it without the enormous achievements the cannabis industry has made this year and the amazing people surrounding us in our efforts each day.
Expanded Access to Cannabis Around the Globe
This year saw the expansion of cannabis access in states across the U.S. The state legislatures in both Pennsylvania and Ohio passed comprehensive medical marijuana programs this past spring, crossing the 25 state threshold and bringing access to medical marijuana to over half the American population.
On November 8th, a total of nine states voted on marijuana legalization. Voters in Florida, Arkansas, Montana, and North Dakota passed new or expanded medical marijuana measures. Recreational use measures also passed in Massachusetts, Maine, Nevada, and California. Only Arizona failed to approve their recreational measure.
Most of the focus this election fell on California’s proposition 64. Passing with 56 percent of the vote, adult use marijuana in California is set to explode what was already the largest legal cannabis market in the world.
Support for medical marijuana in our country is now at an all-time high, and more than half of all Americans are in favor of recreational marijuana legalization at the federal level.
Expanded access to cannabis has occurred worldwide. Earlier this year, Medical Marijuana, Inc. created HempMeds® Mexico to help patients in the country import our newly approved RSHO-X™, the first THC-free CBD oil approved by the Mexican government. This year also marked the first time a cannabis product was prescribed by doctors in Paraguay when our RSHO™ was approved for import there.
The Rapidly Growing Hemp Industry in the U.S.
Ever since their authorization in the 2014 Farm Bill, hemp pilot programs have begun popping up all over the country. From New York to Alabama and North Dakota to Nebraska, farmers in states with approved pilot programs for hemp research have been planting the first hemp crops the nation has seen in nearly half a century.
This is a promising first step for commercial hemp cultivation here in the U.S. and an important action toward a cleaner and more sustainable future. The hemp industry is enjoying a high valuation at the moment, and it’s believed by many that hemp could outpace the marijuana industry in years to come.
The Opportunity to Share our Message with the World
Whether it is through speaking engagements, interviews, news coverage, or industry expositions, Medical Marijuana, Inc. and our portfolio of companies seek every chance to spread awareness for CBD hemp oil and its benefits with everyone we encounter. We believe in the potential of our products so much that our team travels across the country, and even internationally, to educate the world’s population on the benefits of adding CBD to their diets. When given the opportunity to speak, either one on one or on a large scale, Medical Marijuana, Inc. shares our message of using CBD everyday to create balance and promote wellness in our bodies.
Our Family of Advocates
Medical Marijuana, Inc. is incredibly lucky to have a group of outspoken parents who have become tireless advocates for CBD both here in the U.S. and internationally, pushing forward the march towards full access for everyone.
Located outside Dallas, Texas, the Howard family have long been vocal supporters of Medical Marijuana, Inc. and CBD hemp oil from the start. Founders of the Hope4Harper foundation, the Howard family has labored to raise the funds needed to advance medical research across the U.S. in places like Boston and San Diego to unlock the potential of CBD. Penny Howard, Harper’s mother, regularly speaks at industry and healthcare events to share her experiences and spread awareness for the possibilities CBD can create.
After seeing the Hope4Harper Facebook page, the Fischer family, located almost 5,000 miles away in Brazil, fought for the right to import our CBD hemp oil into their country for their own daughter, Anny. Taking their case to the Brazilian courts, after just three days it was ruled “inhumane” to keep CBD from Anny. At the time, all cannabis products were illegal in Brazil. Now our CBD hemp oil products are legal for import by qualified patients and are even subsidized by the government.
This fall, the Fischers made their first trip to the U.S., giving them a chance to meet the Howards face to face for the first time. This tearful meeting brought the relationship between these two families full circle and reinforced the importance of community in our industry.
A similar story unfolded in Mexico. Raul Elizalde discovered CBD hemp oil after extensive research. However, all forms of cannabis were illegal in Mexico at the time. Raul and his family fought for the right to bring CBD hemp oil into Mexico for their daughter Grace. After the family’s successful court case, qualified patients in Mexico can now import pure CBD products directly from the HempMeds® Mexico website. Raul now works as the founder of the Por Grace Foundation to further increase access to CBD throughout Mexico.
Closer to home, the Higuera family, from outside San Diego, have loyally used our CBD products for their daughter, Sadie. This year, Sadie reached a major milestone when she attended her first day of school. Brian has spoken a number of times on the family’s experience using CBD hemp oil and continues to be a strong advocate for what our company is striving to achieve.
These families are an integral part of the Medical Marijuana, Inc. mission of access for all. Without these advocates on our side telling their stories and educating the public on CBD hemp oil, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do everyday.
Our Team
Finally, Medical Marijuana, Inc. is thankful for its amazing family of employees. Our team has grown by leaps and bounds this year, and we continue to bring in new people nearly every week to help our company grow to its fullest potential.
Whether they are salespeople, product specialists, writers, web designers, photographers, or executives, we are working to fill our openings with people who are passionate about the benefits of cannabis and CBD and want to share it with world. The most important part of our organization, our caring team regularly goes above and beyond to improve the planet around them, bringing CBD to those who need it most.
So this Thanksgiving, we would like to take a moment to thank our extended Medical Marijuana, Inc. family for everything they have helped us achieve in this past year.